Establishment Of Takaful
The organization was established in 1998 in the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Khartoum when one student was unable to pay his tuition fees. Some of his fellow colleagues felt the need to help him so they collected money from their fellow colleagues and friends and helped him pay his fees. These students realized how important and how big of an issue this was so they formed a small organization called the “Disadvantaged Family Organization” to help their fellow underprivileged colleagues to pay their registration fees. This small organization grew so that these students in need were provided with monthly sums of money or sponsorships. The organization further expanded and started organizing Iftar in Ramadan and helping with transportation expenses for students to be able to travel back to their homes. The organization became even more developed when it started providing monthly sponsorships for orphans. At this point, the organization had changed its name to Takaful Charitable Society. In 2007, the organization was registered in the Humanitarian Aid Commission and from then on it was officially known as Takaful Charity Organization.
Organization's Message
Establishing the values of goodness among members of society and developing the student's community in particular and some segments of the general community.
Organization's Vision
An active and conscious student community in its role in society

Organization's Projects
Divided Into Two:
Periodical Projects includes (Orphans Sposorshiop - Registration for Underprivileged Students - Medical Treatment )
Seasonal Projects includes ( Ramadan Bag - Eid Joy - Entertainment Day For Orphans - Feeding Project - Meal Provision
Administration Hierarchy
It is divided into several departments and offices shown in the following diagram:
What They Said About Us
لبنى ذكي
أعظم نعمة منَّ الله عليّ بها.. تكافل هي تلك المدرسة التي تعلمت بها إخلاص النوايا والإحسان.. تلك التي وجدت بها الصحبة الصالحة.. تلك التي التعب بها راحة وسكينة.. تلك التي تثبت بقاء الخير في الأمة..
مصعب بشير
ولنا في تكافل حياة في محراب الحياة مقرونة بالنوايا والعطاء في سبيل الله.. فهي التي تنهضنا إن تعثرنا.. عشنا فيها حياتنا على معية صادقه في أفعالنا فالحمد لله على نعمة تكافل..
المنذر حامد
تكافل عبارة عن منظمة محيط عملها يتركز في أرقى مستويات التغيير - تغيير الوعي والسلوك - عشان كدا دائما بنشبها بالمصنع، هي مصنع بتم فيه مجموعة من العمليات والناتج النهائي للعمليات دي هي "طالب فاعل وواعي بدوره في المجتمع"
علي أبو ادريس
تكافل هي من نطقنا علي يديها شهادة الحق وشهادة العطاء وشهادة العمل وهي من تلدنا كل يوم صغار أنيقين مفعمين بحب الخير والحياة وتعلمنا الأمل. وترضعنا القيم وانه وإن ضيقت علينا الحياة خناقها فإن لنا فيها بتكافل مُتفنس، وبين جمبيها وضحكات أبنائها خير مستقرٍ ومُقام
ود الغالي
ونحلمُ أن نكون مع النبي.. وكل تكافل قد حضروا جميعا
وقال لنا النبي أيا تكافل.. قد سيرني الرحمن لكم شفيعا